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Self Help 101

Teacher's Dell Laptop: Press and hold the on/off button for one full minute. Let go and the press again to turn on. If this doesn't work, send a ticket to [email protected] 
Student Chromebook: Press and hold the on/off button for one full minute. Close the lid on your chromebook, reopen and it should start back up. If your chromebook does not start back up, is it charged? Plug in the charger: if light is white, it is fully charged; if light is orange it is not fully charged. If not charged, let it sit on the charger for 5 minutes and try again. If your chromebook still will not come on, please ask your teacher to send a tech ticket.
  • First, check to make sure your projector is turned on and the HDMI cable (or adaptor) is plugged into your computer. 
  • Make sure your display is set to duplicate (or extend screen if that is your preference). To check settings, please hold down the "Window" key and the P (for project) at the same time. In the pop-up window choose Duplicate or Extend.
  • If this does not work, send an email to [email protected]
In most cases, this is because the paper size for Tray 2 (bottom tray) is not set to letter. 
To fix this:
Open and close Tray 2 (bottom tray)
Look in the window to see what paper size is showing for Tray 2.
If is NOT letter size, press OK to change to letter size.
This should fix your problem.
If it does not, restart your computer and try again.
If you continue to have problems, please send an email to [email protected]
1. At the bottom right, select the time.
2. Select Settings .
3. At the bottom, select Advanced.
4. Under "Print and scan," select Printers.
5. Click the icon to the right of "Add Printer"
6. Under "Name" enter a name for the printer (use the teacher or class name to differentiate among printers).
7. Under "Address" enter the IP address of the printer, which is visible on the printer display
8. Click “Add"
Where would we be without email, especially in a work environment? 
Most of the etiquette rules listed below can be found in numerous places on the Internet. I have reordered them based on the ones we most often abuse.
  1. Reply All? When group emails are sent out, please choose carefully between Reply All and Reply only to the sender. When you Reply All, everyone on the original email gets your reply. Do we really need to let everyone know we are sending our congratulations on a job well done, or would it be more appropriate to just let the sender know? There are 127 people in the Everyone email group. If everyone hit Reply All, your inbox will get 127 emails!
  2. Don't type in all caps: Typing in all caps looks like shouting. Furthermore, typing in all caps may trigger spam filters. In addition, readers rely on the graphics of words, and everything typed in all caps, hinders that. 
  3. Email is not private and confidential. Anything you put in an email can be shared either intentionally or accidentally. Emails may be admissible in court. 
  4. Multiple exclamation points. Did you know multiple exclamation points could be another spam filter trigger? Use sparingly and never more than one at the end of a sentence.
If the USB microphones and headphones do not work on the computers you are using, please do the following steps:
  1. Ensure there is only one headphone plugged into the computer. The default for audio output is the 3.5mm speaker jack. If regular headphones are plugged in as well as the USB headphones, only the regular headphones will produce the sound. 
  2. If only the USB headphones are plugged in, go to settings to insure the output is the USB headphone (if you are hearing sound from the computer and not the headphones, you MUST do the following steps. 
On a chromebook
1. Click on the icons in the lower right hand corner to open a dialog box.
2. Click on the right facing carat near the speaker to get Audio Settings.
3. Select USB Audio Device.
chromebook settings 1   Audio settings
On a Windows machine 
1. Click on the Speaker icon in the lower right hand corner 
2. Click on the upward facing carat (downward facing here because I already clicked on the upward facing carat)
3. Select USB Audio Device
(working on image for Windows machine)