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Compulsory Attendance Law

The Law of the State of Texas requires a child to go to school 90% of the 164 school days offered.  As per board policy, stated in the Brackett Student Handbook: “A school-aged student not attending school may result in assessment of penalties by a court of law against his/her parents.”


A complaint against the parent may be filed in the appropriate court if the student is absent from school on ten or more days or parts of days within a six-month period in the same school year or is absent on three or more days or parts of days within a four-week period.

As parent, legal guardian, or person standing in parental relation to the child, you are responsible for ensuring that your child attends school regularly. 

BISD Truancy Officer

The BISD Truancy Officer is responsible for parent/student contact, letters, phone calls, home visits, filing of paper work to courts, and daily attendance checks for all students absent.  Please know contact will be made daily when you child is out.   Also, know if you child is out of compliance BISD does offer ways to make that time up: Saturday School and Summer School.

If your child does not make up the missed instructional time, the attendance committee will make the decision of grade placement and/or awarding course credit(s).

Please note – Special Ed and 504 students must meet compulsory attendance laws as well, unless otherwise noted in ARD/504 IEP meetings.