Miscellaneous » Volunteer Opportunities » Forms



Thank you for volunteering your services to the students and staff of BISD. Brackett ISD welcomes your participation. All volunteers must be at least 21 years of age and approved by the Superintendent. Once approved, your name will be added to a volunteer list for the current school year. Volunteers are required to sign-in and sign-out at the campus office. Proper identification must be worn while on campus, on field trips, or other school sponsored events. All volunteers must be re-approved on an annual basis.

To become a Volunteer:
1.  Complete a Volunteer Agreement form.
2.  Sign and date a DPS (CCH) Verification form.
3.  Return both forms to the Administrative Central Office for Superintendent approval.


Only approved volunteers can serve as chaperones for field trips or other school sponsored events. Sign up is done at the campus office and approved by the Principal on a "trip by trip" basis. All chaperones must wear proper identification while on field trips, or other school sponsored events.

To become a Chaperone:
1.  Make sure you are on the Approved Volunteer List for the current school year.
2.  Complete a Chaperone Request form.
3.  Return the form to the campus office for Principal approval.

Teachers will be notified by the campus office once a chaperone has been approved by the Principal.

Again, we welcome your participation and on behalf of the students and staff of the Brackett Independent School District, THANK YOU!