Enrichment Activities

Students were given a list of 15 different enrichment activities to choose from and a space to fill in their own suggestion. Each student selected 3 activities and ranked them 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
Baby-sitter training: We already have our first graduates and another class will start mid October. Students must attend all classes to earn a certificate. Classes are now finished for the fall semester.
CPR training: October 3 and will continue on Tuesday and Wednesday for 2-3 weeks. Students must attend all classes to earn a certificate. Classes are now finished for the fall semester.
Python (computer language coding) begins Thursday, October 5, 4:00-4:45 weekly for 6th-8th grade students. Attendance at all sessions is strongly recommended. 
Coding with Bitsbox Tuesday, 4:00-4:30, 1 time per week.
Robotics for K-2nd grades after Thanksgiving, Wednesday, 1 time per week.
Robotics for 3rd-8th grades after Thanksgiving, Thursday, 1 time per week
Bible Study: Wednesday 4:00-4:45
Piano: Monday 4:00-6:00
Ukulele: TBD
Dance: TBD
Art: TBD
Legos K-2nd grade: built in daily rotation in the classroom. 
Code.org K-5th grade: built in daily rotation in the classroom.